Showing posts with label Mechanics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mechanics. Show all posts

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Mechanics (Branch of Physics)

Mechanics is the branch of Physics. It related to mechanical engineering or Applied Mechanics. It is brief introduction on it. In this branch calculus (mathematics) necessary element. Differential equation and Vector algebra are also important.
Mechanics is essentially deductive in character, the learning process is largely inductive.
Fundamental Concepts and Definition:
Space ,time and matter are the fundamental Concepts. Space is three dimensional and when we speak of the position of a point, the distance between two points and the angle between two directions at point. Distance and angle measured by Euclidean Geometry.
The concept of a particle is ideal one and represent a geometrical point which possesses mass.
Mass is quantity of matter in a body and body is a matter. A body is said to be a rigid body if the distance between any two particles of body remains invariant so that the body does not expand or contract or change its shape in any way.
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