Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Professions (Careers) In Biology

The student today will be leader of tomorrow. This will benefit the learners in different careers. The following are the careers that can be adopt.
  1.  Medicine: The profession of medicine deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in human.
  2. Surgery: In Surgery the parts of the body  are repaired, replaced or removed. For Example, stone is removed from kidney during renal surgery. Similarly transplantation of kidney, liver etc are done. Both these professions are studied in the same basic courses (MBBS). 
  3. Biotechnology: It is the latest Profession in the field of biology. Bio technologists study and work for the production of useful products through micro-organisms. Universities offer courses in biotechnology . These courses start after the higher secondary education in biology. These also start after the bachelor level studies of botany or zoology. 
  4. Fisheries: It is the professional study of fish production. They try to enhance the quality and quantity of fish production. This profession can be adopted after the bachelor or master level of study of zoology and fisheries.

Mechanics (Branch of Physics)

Mechanics is the branch of Physics. It related to mechanical engineering or Applied Mechanics. It is brief introduction on it. In this branch calculus (mathematics) necessary element. Differential equation and Vector algebra are also important.
Mechanics is essentially deductive in character, the learning process is largely inductive.
Fundamental Concepts and Definition:
Space ,time and matter are the fundamental Concepts. Space is three dimensional and when we speak of the position of a point, the distance between two points and the angle between two directions at point. Distance and angle measured by Euclidean Geometry.
The concept of a particle is ideal one and represent a geometrical point which possesses mass.
Mass is quantity of matter in a body and body is a matter. A body is said to be a rigid body if the distance between any two particles of body remains invariant so that the body does not expand or contract or change its shape in any way.
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